PAL News
Join the PAL Scheme and become an EPI Centre PAL Leader!
Are you familiar with any of the following – Wordpress? InDesign? Have you got lots of experience using Wilcom or Weebly? What about Powerpoint or Photoshop? Or any other Adobe, MS Office or design software students use at City Campus? YOU could become a PAL Leader. We are looking to recruit current first year students to our increasingly popular Peer Assisted Learning programme. This role will allow you to develop skills such as leadership, team work, interpersonal communication, facilitation andcoaching. The PAL scheme offers valuable work experience, looks great on your CV and at the same timeit will help to strengthen your subject knowledge. You will also have the opportunity to attend the Annual PAL Leaders conference and share experiences with Leaders from other Universities. PAL is one of the activities that qualifies you for a Futures Award. Payment: £8.45 per hour, plus holiday pay. Apply here- Deadline is Sunday 13thMay 23:59. Kind Regards, The PAL Team Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Office : Student Success Services – Library Services Find us @ your campus library E: [email protected] T: +44(0)117 32 87748 |